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Matters dealt with by the Department
Administration of criminal justice
Administration of criminal justice - Criminal law policy and principles of criminal responsibility
Administration of criminal justice - International crime co-operation, including extradition and mutual assistance in criminal matters
Administration of criminal justice - Matters relating to prosecution
Administration of criminal justice - Sentencing and management of federal offenders
Administrative support for Royal Commissions and certain other inquiries
Fraud and anti-corruption policy
Freedom of Information
Identity and biometrics
Law and justice
Law and justice - Administrative law
Law and justice - Alternative dispute resolution
Law and justice - Bankruptcy
Law and justice - Constitutional law
Law and justice - Courts and tribunals
Law and justice - Human rights
Law and justice - International law
Law and justice - Law reform
Law and justice - Legal assistance
Law and justice - Legislative drafting
Law and justice - Marriage and family law
Law and justice - Personal property securities
Law enforcement policy and operations
Legal services to the Commonwealth
National child sexual abuse policy and strategy
Native title
Protective security policy
Protective services at Commonwealth establishments and diplomatic and consular premises in Australia
Whole of government integrity policy and activities
Lead Body
PGPA Act Commonwealth entities and companies
Other bodies
Administered Legislation

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About