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Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)


(a) the external Territories; and

(b) the Australian coastal sea.

Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 - 3 Interpretation
Australian aircraft


(a) aircraft registered in Australia; and

(b) aircraft in Australian territory, other than foreign registered aircraft and state aircraft.

Civil Aviation Act 1988 Civil Aviation Act 1988 - 4A Application to aircraft subject to 83 bis agreements
Civil Aviation Act 1988 - 3 Interpretation
Australian coastal sea


(a) the territorial sea of Australia; and

(b) the sea on the landward side of the territorial sea of Australia.

Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 - 3 Interpretation
Australian ship


(a) a ship registered in Australia;

(b) an unregistered ship that has Australian nationality; or

(c) a ship that belongs to an arm of the Defence Force.

Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 - 3 Interpretation

means the International Against the Taking of Hostages that was opened for signature at New York on 18 December 1979, a copy of the English text of which is set out in the Schedule.

Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 - 3 Interpretation
offence against this Act


(a) an offence against subsection 8(1); or

(b) an offence against section 11.1 or 11.5 of the

Criminal Code

Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 - 3 Interpretation
Crimes (Hostages) Act 1989 - 8 When hostage‐taking an offence

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