This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About

Data Views

Here you'll find information about various ways you can view the data available on this site.

About the PGPA Summary

The PGPA Summary view shows all of the current Australian Government bodies that are either entities or Commonwealth companies under the definitions found in the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. This view is a way to see the structure of the Australian Government from a PGPA point-of-view and provides a convenient way of navigating to more detailed information about each body. The view can also be filtered on the basis of governance characteristics to provide quick answers to some common questions.

About Distinguished Terms

Distinguished Terms are words or short phrases that are identified specifically in legislation and other instruments as having a particular meaning. This view provides an entry point to some of the instruments of particular relevance to the topic of public sector governance and is selected from the Finance Knowledge Graph’s comprehensive representation of the instruments listed in Administrative Arrangements Orders.

About Data Visualisation

It is also possible to use the data in the Finance Knowledge Graph in a graphical way. This can be a visually appealing way to present the relationships between bodies, instruments, outcomes, and all of the other things that are stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. Data Visualisation is where any examples of this may be found.

Other views?

There are many other ways to present the data held in the Finance Knowledge Graph. If you have a good idea about one that you’d like to share then please let us know through the Feedback button or at

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About