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Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
Commonwealth authority


(a) a body corporate incorporated for a public purpose by a law of the Commonwealth or of a Territory other than the Northern Territory; or

Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 - 3 Interpretation

, in relation to a motor vehicle, includes a person in charge of the motor vehicle.

Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 - 3 Interpretation

, in relation to a motor vehicle, means any agreement or arrangement under which the vehicle (whether for any or no consideration) is made available exclusively to a person for the person’s use.

Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 - 3 Interpretation
motor vehicle

means a motor car, motor carriage, motor cycle, motor omnibus, motor tractor or other vehicle propelled wholly or partly by volatile spirit or by steam, gas, oil or electricity or by any means other than human or animal power, and includes a trailer and a semi‐trailer but does not include a vehic

Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 - 3 Interpretation
third‐party policy

means a policy of insurance effected for the purposes of, and in accordance with the requirements of, a law of a State or Territory relating to the compulsory insurance of owners and drivers of motor cars or motor vehicles, as defined by that law, against liability in respect of the death of, or

Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 - 3 Interpretation
uninsured motor vehicle

means a motor vehicle in respect of which a third‐party policy is not in force.

(2) This Act does not apply in relation to proceedings arising out of an occurrence that took place outside Australia and the Territories.

Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 Commonwealth Motor Vehicles (Liability) Act 1959 - 3 Interpretation

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