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Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)


(a) a committee of a House or of both Houses, including a committee of a whole House and a committee established by an Act; or

(b) a sub‐committee of a committee referred to in paragraph (a).

Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

means a federal or a of a State or Territory.

Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

includes a part of a .

Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

means a of the Parliament.

Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

means a of a House.

Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

means any person or body (other than a House, a committee or a court) having power to examine witnesses on oath, including a Royal Commission or other commission of inquiry of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory having that power.

Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

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