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Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

includes an omission.

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964

has the same meaning as in the Intelligence Services Act 2001 .

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964

has the same meaning as in the Intelligence Services Act 2001 .

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964

has the same meaning as in the Intelligence Services Act 2001 .

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964

means a person who:

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
Commonwealth officer

has the same meaning as in the Crimes Act 1914 ‐ 1960 .

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
criminal laws

of the Jervis Bay Territory means laws in force in that Territory (including unwritten laws):

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
declared agreement or arrangement

means a relevant agreement or arrangement that regulations made for the purposes of section 3B provide is a declared agreement or arrangement for the purposes of this Act.

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
declared foreign country

means a foreign country that regulations made for the purposes of section 3C provide is a declared foreign country for the purposes of this Act.

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
declared part of a foreign country

means a part of a foreign country that regulations made for the purposes of section 3C provide is a declared part of a foreign country for the purposes of this Act.

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964

has the same meaning as in the Intelligence Services Act 2001.

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964

has the same meaning as in the Intelligence Services Act 2001 .

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
foreign country


Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
international organisation

means an organisation:

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
Minister for Foreign Affairs

means the Minister administering the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1967 .

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
relevant agreement or arrangement

means an agreement or arrangement (whether formal or informal) between:

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964
staff member

of ASIS , DIGO or DSD has the same meaning as in the Intelligence Services Act 2001 .

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964

means an internal Territory.

Crimes (Overseas) Act 1964

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