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Department of Health and Aged Care Outcome 3


Improved wellbeing for senior Australians through targeted support, access to appropriate, high quality care, and related information services

# Program Body Contribution
3.1 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.1 Department of Health and Aged Care

Provide older Australians, their families, representatives and carers with reliable and trusted information about aged care services and how to access them through My Aged CareProvide improved and more consistent client outcomes, timely and high quality assessments of clients' needs and goals, appropriate referrals and equitable access to aged care services

3.2 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.2 Department of Health and Aged Care

Provide choice through a range of flexible options to support older Australians who need assistance. This includes supporting people to remain living at home and connected to their communities for longer, through to residential care for those who are no longer able to continue living in their own home

3.3 Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.3 Department of Health and Aged Care

Support the provision of safe and quality care for older Australians in their choice of care through regulatory activities, collaboration with the aged care sector and consumers, as well as capacity building and awareness raising activities

# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Program 1.1 Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

As the national regulator of aged care services subsidised by the Australian Government, ACQSC's role is to approve providers' entry to the aged care system, to accredit, assess and monitor aged care services against requirements, and to hold services to account for meeting their obligations. The ACQSC seeks to resolve complaints about aged care services and to provide education and information about its functions. The ACQSC also engages with consumers to understand their experiences and provide advice to providers about working with consumers in designing and delivering best practice care (3.3).

2.4 Department of Veterans' Affairs Program 2.4 Department of Veterans' Affairs

The program's primary objective is to effectively manage community support and home care programs, including the development and review of policy and operational guidelines and procedures, and assessment of program effectiveness. Veteran community care and support programs include the Veterans' Home Care (VHC) Program and the Community Nursing Program. The objectives of the VHC and Community Nursing programs are to support clients to remain independent in their homes, and improve their quality of life and health. For many of the veteran community who are ageing and increasingly requiring higher levels of service, the provision of these services helps to delay entry into residential aged care and maximises independence. DVA also provides subsidies and supplements for clients who are no longer able to live independently and who enter residential aged care. Program 2.4 also funds a range of grants programs to assist in providing support to veterans and their families, including the Veteran and Community Grants Program; Grants-in-Aid; and the Supporting Younger Veterans Grants Program. It also includes the Veteran Wellbeing Centres grants, which provide one-off funding for the development and implementation of 6 Veteran Wellbeing Centres to provide services and support based on local needs and opportunities (3.2).

1.9 Department of the Treasury Program 1.9 Department of the Treasury

Treasury provides financial assistance through National Partnership payments to state and territory governments as part of the Federal Financial Relations Framework.2 Activities funded through the National Partnership Agreements include: — the Specialist Dementia Care Program (3.2) — Registration Scheme for Personal Care Workers (3.3).

1.1 Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority Program 1.1 Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority

IHACPA will provide independent advice on aged care pricing issues, including the new Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding model in residential care to ensure that the model and annual funding increases are informed by the efficient cost of delivering care (3.2).

1.1 National Disability Insurance Agency Program 1.1 - Reasonable and necessary supports for participants National Disability Insurance Agency

The NDIA has a cross billing agreement with the Department of Health and Aged Care to pay some fees and charges for people in residential aged care who are National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants. This cross-billing agreement includes payment of a participant's basic care subsidy fee and accommodation supplement (3.2). This applies to all NDIS participants living in residential aged care under the age of 65, as well as those who are over 65 but who became NDIS participants before they turned 65.

1.2 Services Australia Program 1.2 - Services to the Community - Health Services Australia

Services Australia works with the Department of Health and Aged Care to: * undertake income testing for home care recipients (3.2) * make payments under the Continence Aids Payment Scheme (3.2) * administer payments to aged care providers (3.2) * undertake means testing of residents (3.2).

1.3 Services Australia Program 1.3 - Child Support Services Australia

Services Australia works with the Department of Health and Aged Care to: * undertake income testing for home care recipients (3.2) * make payments under the Continence Aids Payment Scheme (3.2) * administer payments to aged care providers (3.2) * undertake means testing of residents (3.2).

Body Outcome Outcome owner Contribution
Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.1 Department of Health and Aged Care Department of Health and Aged Care Outcome 3 Department of Health and Aged Care

Access and Information Provide older Australians, their families, representatives and carers to access reliable and trusted information about aged care services through My Aged Care. Provide improved and more consistent client outcomes, responsive assessments of clients' needs and goals, appropriate referral, and equitable access to aged care services

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.1 Department of Health and Aged Care Department of Social Services Outcome 3 Department of Social Services

This Outcome benefits from these linked programs as they also seek to improve the independence of, and participation by, people with disability and carers as they age. The Department of Health and Aged Care also has policy responsibility for Medicare Benefits Schedule items in relation to disability.

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.2 Department of Health and Aged Care Department of Social Services Outcome 3 Department of Social Services

This Outcome benefits from these linked programs as they also seek to improve the independence of, and participation by, people with disability and carers as they age. The Department of Health and Aged Care also has policy responsibility for Medicare Benefits Schedule items in relation to disability.

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.2 Department of Health and Aged Care Department of the Treasury Outcome 1 Department of the Treasury

Treasury Outcome 1 contributes to the above programs by making payments to the states and territories under National Partnership agreements, National Specific Purpose Payments (SPP) and bilateral agreements that support the delivery of the programs.

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.2 Department of Health and Aged Care Department of Veterans' Affairs Outcome 2 Department of Veterans' Affairs

DVA works closely with other Commonwealth entities to ensure that health and community programs for veterans align with the mainstream health system, and to realise effective delivery of health and community services to the veteran community.

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.2 Department of Health and Aged Care Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority Outcome 1 Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority

The Department of Health and Aged Care has policy responsibility for public and private hospital services, including the Commonwealth Government's funding contribution for public hospital services. This includes policy responsibility for the implementation of activity based funding under the National Health Reform Agreement. The Department of Health and Aged Care has policy responsibility for ageing and aged care, including funding for residential aged care.

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.2 Department of Health and Aged Care National Disability Insurance Agency Outcome 1 National Disability Insurance Agency

The Department of Health and Aged Care contributes to improving the wellbeing and social and economic participation of people with disability, their families and carers including through the provision of relevant supports to people with disability and NDIS participants.

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.2 Department of Health and Aged Care Services Australia Outcome 1 Services Australia

Outcome 1 contributes to the linked programs above by the provision of a range of information, services and payments on behalf of the entities listed within Australia and where applicable, overseas.

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.3 Department of Health and Aged Care Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Outcome 1 Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

The Department of Health and Aged Care has policy responsibility for ageing and aged care, including the regulatory framework.

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.3 Department of Health and Aged Care Department of Health and Aged Care Outcome 3 Department of Health and Aged Care

Aged Care Quality Safety and quality care for older Australians in their choice of care through regulatory activities, collaboration with the aged care sector and consumers, as well as capacity building and awareness raising activities

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.3 Department of Health and Aged Care Department of Social Services Outcome 3 Department of Social Services

This Outcome benefits from these linked programs as they also seek to improve the independence of, and participation by, people with disability and carers as they age. The Department of Health and Aged Care also has policy responsibility for Medicare Benefits Schedule items in relation to disability.

Department of Health and Aged Care Program 3.3 Department of Health and Aged Care Department of the Treasury Outcome 1 Department of the Treasury

Treasury Outcome 1 contributes to the above programs by making payments to the states and territories under National Partnership agreements, National Specific Purpose Payments (SPP) and bilateral agreements that support the delivery of the programs.

Contributing programs
Appropriation Appropriation subtype 2022-23
Budget Estimate
Special Accounts 0.00
Administered Non-operating 0.00
Administered Operating 6,118,878,000.00
Administered Special Appropriation 22,977,701,000.00
Administered Special Purpose Payments 0.00
Administered Assets and Liabilities 0.00
Administered Subtotal 29,096,579,000.00
Departmental External Revenue 0.00
Departmental Non-operating 0.00
Departmental Operating 348,827,000.00
Departmental Special Appropriation 0.00
Departmental Equity Injections 0.00
Departmental Subtotal 348,827,000.00
Total 29,445,406,000.00

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