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Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Accountable authority
Secretary of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Lead Body
Institutional sector classification
Employment instruments
Establishing instruments

Additional annual report requirement in establishing legislation

Section 35 of the PGPA Act applies
Section 35(3) of the PGPA Act applies

Outcome #1: Foster a productive and competitive labour market through policies and programs that assist job seekers into work, including secure work, and meet employer and industry needs
# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Program 1.1 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Employment Services The Employment Services system has the following key objectives: to help job seekers find and keep a job; deliver high quality and efficient employment services; and to support target groups to improve their work readiness and find employment

# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade supports Australia's development
priorities and provides advocacy and coordination at overseas missions.

1.3 Department of Social Services 1.3 Department of Social Services

The Department of Social Services (DSS) contributes to Outcome 1 by providing support to job seekers while they are unable to work or while they find work and by providing support to people with disability, their family and carers to build their knowledge, skills and confidence to participate in social and economic life. This includes: * building the capacity of the community to create opportunities for people with disability to contribute to community prosperity and participate in community life, with initiatives that create pathways to employment and drive more inclusive practices by employers through the Information Linkages and Capacity Building Economic and Community Participation program * activities that build foundation skills and work expectations of people with disability as well as activities that increase the capacity of employers and workplaces to be more inclusive * social security payment arrangements that enable job seekers to take up work * strengthening incentives for pensioners over Age Pension age to work if they are able to and wish to do so. DSS contributes to Outcome 1 by leading the implementation of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031, which includes ensuring people with disability have economic security, enabling them to plan for the future, and exercise choice and control over their lives.

1.6 Department of Social Services 1.6 Department of Social Services

The Department of Social Services (DSS) contributes to Outcome 1 by providing support to job seekers while they are unable to work or while they find work and by providing support to people with disability, their family and carers to build their knowledge, skills and confidence to participate in social and economic life. This includes: * building the capacity of the community to create opportunities for people with disability to contribute to community prosperity and participate in community life, with initiatives that create pathways to employment and drive more inclusive practices by employers through the Information Linkages and Capacity Building Economic and Community Participation program * activities that build foundation skills and work expectations of people with disability as well as activities that increase the capacity of employers and workplaces to be more inclusive * social security payment arrangements that enable job seekers to take up work * strengthening incentives for pensioners over Age Pension age to work if they are able to and wish to do so. DSS contributes to Outcome 1 by leading the implementation of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031, which includes ensuring people with disability have economic security, enabling them to plan for the future, and exercise choice and control over their lives.

3.1 Department of Social Services 3.1 Department of Social Services

The Department of Social Services (DSS) contributes to Outcome 1 by providing support to job seekers while they are unable to work or while they find work and by providing support to people with disability, their family and carers to build their knowledge, skills and confidence to participate in social and economic life. This includes: * building the capacity of the community to create opportunities for people with disability to contribute to community prosperity and participate in community life, with initiatives that create pathways to employment and drive more inclusive practices by employers through the Information Linkages and Capacity Building Economic and Community Participation program * activities that build foundation skills and work expectations of people with disability as well as activities that increase the capacity of employers and workplaces to be more inclusive * social security payment arrangements that enable job seekers to take up work * strengthening incentives for pensioners over Age Pension age to work if they are able to and wish to do so. DSS contributes to Outcome 1 by leading the implementation of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031, which includes ensuring people with disability have economic security, enabling them to plan for the future, and exercise choice and control over their lives.

3.2 Department of Social Services 3.2 Department of Social Services

The Department of Social Services (DSS) contributes to Outcome 1 by providing support to job seekers while they are unable to work or while they find work and by providing support to people with disability, their family and carers to build their knowledge, skills and confidence to participate in social and economic life. This includes: * building the capacity of the community to create opportunities for people with disability to contribute to community prosperity and participate in community life, with initiatives that create pathways to employment and drive more inclusive practices by employers through the Information Linkages and Capacity Building Economic and Community Participation program * activities that build foundation skills and work expectations of people with disability as well as activities that increase the capacity of employers and workplaces to be more inclusive * social security payment arrangements that enable job seekers to take up work * strengthening incentives for pensioners over Age Pension age to work if they are able to and wish to do so. DSS contributes to Outcome 1 by leading the implementation of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031, which includes ensuring people with disability have economic security, enabling them to plan for the future, and exercise choice and control over their lives.

1.1 Services Australia 1.1 Services Australia

Services Australia contributes to Outcome 1 by making payments on behalf of the

1.2 Services Australia 1.2 Services Australia

Services Australia contributes to Outcome 1 by making payments on behalf of the

1.3 Services Australia 1.3 Services Australia

Services Australia contributes to Outcome 1 by making payments on behalf of the

Outcome #2: Promote growth in economic productivity and social wellbeing through access to quality skills and training.
# Program Body Contribution
2.1 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Program 2.1 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Building Skills and Capability The Australian Government is working to create an effective and efficient skills and training system that is industry-led and delivers the skills Australian employers need. Building skills and capabilities is central to Australia's economic growth, competitiveness, and business productivity. The national training system provides employees or potential employees with the skills and capabilities required for a job or pathway into a job

2.2 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Program 2.2 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

VET Student Loans The program aims to remove the up-front cost barriers to training to increase access and participationThis is achieved through the provision of income-contingent loans for students undertaking certain higher level vocational education and training (VET) courses

2.3 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Program 2.3 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
# Program Body Contribution
2.2 Department of Home Affairs 2.2 Department of Home Affairs

The Department of Home Affairs contributes to Outcome 2 by supporting a sustainable
international education sector through administering student visas.

1.7 Department of Social Services 1.7 Department of Social Services

The Department of Social Services (DSS) contributes to Outcome 2 by providing financial
support to individuals and families to undertake further education and training.
This includes enhancing educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
students by increasing their access and participation in further education. DSS also
provides support to people with disability, their family and carers to build their
knowledge, skills and confidence to participate in social and economic life.
DSS contributes to Outcome 2 by leading the implementation of Australia's Disability
Strategy 2021–2031, which includes ensuring people with disability have economic
security, enabling them to plan for the future, and exercise choice and control over their

3.1 Department of Social Services 3.1 Department of Social Services

The Department of Social Services (DSS) contributes to Outcome 2 by providing financial
support to individuals and families to undertake further education and training.
This includes enhancing educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
students by increasing their access and participation in further education. DSS also
provides support to people with disability, their family and carers to build their
knowledge, skills and confidence to participate in social and economic life.
DSS contributes to Outcome 2 by leading the implementation of Australia's Disability
Strategy 2021–2031, which includes ensuring people with disability have economic
security, enabling them to plan for the future, and exercise choice and control over their

3.2 Department of Social Services 3.2 Department of Social Services

The Department of Social Services (DSS) contributes to Outcome 2 by providing financial
support to individuals and families to undertake further education and training.
This includes enhancing educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
students by increasing their access and participation in further education. DSS also
provides support to people with disability, their family and carers to build their
knowledge, skills and confidence to participate in social and economic life.
DSS contributes to Outcome 2 by leading the implementation of Australia's Disability
Strategy 2021–2031, which includes ensuring people with disability have economic
security, enabling them to plan for the future, and exercise choice and control over their

1.4 Department of the Treasury 1.4 Department of the Treasury

The Department of the Treasury contributes to Outcome 2 by making National Partnership Payments to the states.

1.1 Services Australia 1.1 Services Australia

Services Australia contributes to Outcome 2 by making payments to eligible job seekers
participating in foundation skills programs.

1.2 Services Australia 1.2 Services Australia

Services Australia contributes to Outcome 2 by making payments to eligible job seekers
participating in foundation skills programs.

1.3 Services Australia 1.3 Services Australia

Services Australia contributes to Outcome 2 by making payments to eligible job seekers
participating in foundation skills programs.

Outcome #3: Facilitate jobs growth, including secure work through policies and programs that promote fair, productive and safe workplaces
# Program Body Contribution
3.1 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations 3.1 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Workplace Support This program contributes to the outcome through: * the promotion of fair workplaces by ensuring the protection of employee entitlements in certain circumstances* ensuring the efficient operation of the workplace relations system through initiatives designed to encourage employers and employees to adopt fair, productive, flexible and safe workplace relations

3.2 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Program 3.2 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Workers' Compensation Payments This program contributes to the outcome by managing the Comcare Workers' Compensation Scheme

# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Australian Bureau of Statistics Program 1.1 Australian Bureau of Statistics

The Australian Bureau of Statistics contributes to Outcome 3 by providing enhanced industrial relations data to support policies and programs that promote fair, productive and safe workplaces.

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About