This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About


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Matters dealt with by the Department
Advice to the Prime Minister across Government on policy and implementation
Assistance to the Prime Minister in managing the Cabinet programme
Australian Government employment workplace relations policy, including equal employment opportunity and administration of the framework for agreement making and remuneration and conditions
Australian honours and symbols policy
Co-ordination of Government administration
Community development employment projects
Government ceremonial and hospitality
Immigration and migration - Commonwealth Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy, programmes and service delivery
Immigration and migration - Promotion of reconciliation
Immigration and migration - Public sector reform
Intergovernmental relations and communications with State and Territory Governments
Official Establishments, ownership and property management of the Prime Minister's official residences
Public sector reform
Whole of government national security and intelligence policy co ordination
Women's policies and programmes
Lead Body
PGPA Act Commonwealth entities and companies
Other bodies
Administered Legislation

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About