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Department of Social Services Outcome 2


Contribute to stronger and more resilient individuals, children, families and communities by providing targeted supports

# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Attorney-General's Department 1.1 Attorney-General's Department

The Attorney-General's Department has policy responsibility for improving access
to justice for Indigenous people, including progressing priority reforms under the
National Agreement on Closing the Gap; for family matters, including Family Law
Services; and for justice policy matters, including responses to sexual violence. These
linked programs provide payments for services to support these responsibilities,
and are administered by DSS under this Outcome.

1.4 Attorney-General's Department 1.4 Attorney-General's Department

The Attorney-General's Department has policy responsibility for improving access
to justice for Indigenous people, including progressing priority reforms under the
National Agreement on Closing the Gap; for family matters, including Family Law
Services; and for justice policy matters, including responses to sexual violence. These
linked programs provide payments for services to support these responsibilities,
and are administered by DSS under this Outcome.

1.5 Attorney-General's Department Program 1.5 Attorney-General's Department

The Attorney-General's Department has policy responsibility for improving access
to justice for Indigenous people, including progressing priority reforms under the
National Agreement on Closing the Gap; for family matters, including Family Law
Services; and for justice policy matters, including responses to sexual violence. These
linked programs provide payments for services to support these responsibilities,
and are administered by DSS under this Outcome.

1.2 Department of Health and Aged Care 1.2 Department of Health and Aged Care

The Department of Health and Aged Care has policy responsibility for Medicare
Benefits Schedule items in relation to mental health.

1.1 Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission Program 1.1 - Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission

The Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission will provide regular reports
to parliament tracking the progress of the National Plan to End Violence against
Women and Children 2022-2032.
The Commission will act as a national body, working with sector stakeholders and
seeking opportunities to amplify the voices of people with lived experience of
domestic, family and sexual violence, to ensure policies, services and systems reflect
these experiences and insights and improve delivery and outcomes.

1.2 National Indigenous Australians Agency 1.2 National Indigenous Australians Agency

These linked programs support Government efforts to ensure Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander children receive a healthy and safe start to life; and families and
communities can access responsive, connected and fit-for-purpose services.
These linked programs also contribute to this Outcome by supporting remote
strategic investments.
The Department of the Treasury

1.3 National Indigenous Australians Agency 1.3 National Indigenous Australians Agency

These linked programs support Government efforts to ensure Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander children receive a healthy and safe start to life; and families and
communities can access responsive, connected and fit-for-purpose services.
These linked programs also contribute to this Outcome by supporting remote
strategic investments.
The Department of the Treasury

1.4 National Indigenous Australians Agency 1.4 National Indigenous Australians Agency

The Department of the Treasury, on behalf of DSS, makes National Partnership
payments to the states for Social Impact Investment and other agreements.

1.5 National Indigenous Australians Agency 1.5 National Indigenous Australians Agency

These linked programs support Government efforts to ensure Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander children receive a healthy and safe start to life; and families and
communities can access responsive, connected and fit-for-purpose services.
These linked programs also contribute to this Outcome by supporting remote
strategic investments.
The Department of the Treasury

1.1 Services Australia 1.1 Services Australia

The administrative aspects of Income Management and payments under the
Transition to Independent Living Allowance that falls under this Outcome are
delivered by Services Australia through the above linked programs.

1.2 Services Australia 1.2 Services Australia

The administrative aspects of Income Management and payments under the
Transition to Independent Living Allowance that falls under this Outcome are
delivered by Services Australia through the above linked programs.

1.3 Services Australia 1.3 Services Australia

The administrative aspects of Income Management and payments under the
Transition to Independent Living Allowance that falls under this Outcome are
delivered by Services Australia through the above linked programs.

Body Outcome Outcome owner Contribution
Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services Attorney-General's Department Outcome 1 Attorney-General's Department

The Attorney-General's Department is supported by these partner agencies in ensuring a just and secure
society, including an effective and efficient justice system, through:
* enhancement and collection of legal assistance data
* supporting native title representative bodies and native title service providers and prescribed
bodies corporate within the native title system
* administration of programs to support persons experiencing or fleeing violence or abuse,
including domestic and family violence, human trafficking and modern slavery
* administering or delivering funding to:
o support access to justice, including access to justice for Indigenous people and
resolution of family matters
o support state and territory efforts to improve justice outcomes for First Nations
Australians through the Indigenous Advancement Strategy
o provide free legal support to organisations assisting survivors of institutional child
sexual abuse to apply for the National Redress Scheme
o support ongoing legal assistance programs to states and territories under the
Federation Funding Agreements Framework.

Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services Department of Defence Outcome 2 Department of Defence

Defence works with the Department of Social Services on the implementation and management
of the National Redress Scheme processes that will be required to ensure that all claims are
processed as efficiently as possible.

Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services Department of Education Outcome 1 Department of Education

Linked program 2.1 contributes to Outcome 1 by providing supports and services to
families under the Families and Children Activity to improve the wellbeing of children and
young people and enhance family functioning.
Linked program 2.1 further contributes to Outcome 1 through the development of the
whole-of-Commonwealth Early Years Strategy, which will support a more integrated and
coordinated approach to the wellbeing, education and development of Australia's children.
Linked program 3.1 contributes to Outcome 1 by providing key actions, under the Early
Childhood Targeted Action Plan that supports Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031,
and the Early Years Strategy (under development), to strengthen early identification,
information, supports and pathways, as well as collaboration between programs and
services. The program supports the development and wellbeing of children and helps them
thrive across and between life stages.
Complementing this, the National Early Childhood Program for children with disability or
developmental concerns is being implemented across Australia. The program delivers a
range of disability-specific online information, parent and carer workshops and supported
playgroups and music groups for young children aged 0 to 8 years with disability or
developmental concerns. Community-led initiatives supported by the Stronger Places,
Stronger People initiative are engaging families, children and young people to elevate their
voices on what works, and are using data and evidence to drive better outcomes through
the service system, including the early childhood system.
The linked programs also contribute to the implementation of the National Plan to End
Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032 (National Plan) as well as the
prevention domain under the National Plan, which highlights the role of respectful
relationships and consent education in stopping violence before it starts.
Outcome 1: Improved early learning, schooling, student educational outcomes and
transitions to and from school through access to quality early childhood education
and care, support, parent engagement, quality teaching and learning environments.

Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services Department of Home Affairs Outcome 1 Department of Home Affairs

The Department of Social Services administers the Support for Trafficked People Program.
This program provides assistance to all victims of slavery and slavery-like offences
identified and referred by the Australian Federal Police, including victim-survivors with
a valid visa or eligible under the Human Trafficking Visa Framework administered by the
Department of Home Affairs.
The Department of Social Services administers the Temporary Visa Holders Experiencing
Violence Pilot. This pilot provides temporary visa holders who are experiencing family
and domestic violence with access to financial support and tailored migration assistance
and legal advice.

Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services Department of Home Affairs Outcome 2 Department of Home Affairs

The Department of Social Services administers the Building a New Life in Australia
Longitudinal Study of Humanitarian Migrants. This study tracks the long-term settlement
experience of humanitarian migrants in Australia, allowing researchers and policy makers
to evaluate successful settlement outcomes.

Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services Department of the Treasury Outcome 1 Department of the Treasury

Treasury Outcome 1 contributes to the following programs by making payments to the
states and territories under National Partnership agreements, National Specific Purpose
Payments (SPP) and bilateral agreements that support the delivery of the programs.

Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission Outcome 1 Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission

The Department of Social Services (DSS) has responsibility for the National Plan to
End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032. The progress of the National
Plan will be monitored in this Outcome. DSS also supports in the management and
approach to the establishment of the Victim-Survivor Advocacy Group as well as
financial management of the allocated funding for the Group.

Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services National Indigenous Australians Agency Outcome 1 National Indigenous Australians Agency

The Department of Social Services (DSS) has policy responsibility for student payments,
including ABSTUDY, which provide financial assistance to First Nations families and
students to encourage participation and retention in secondary and tertiary education.
Some payments (i.e. Relocation Scholarships and Student Start-up Loans) are subject to
mutual exclusion provisions for some scholarships which are administered by the NIAA
(i.e. Commonwealth Accommodation Costs Scholarship and Commonwealth Education
Costs Scholarship) preventing double payment for the same period.
DSS contributes to the IAS by supporting the development of stronger families and more
resilient communities. This includes supporting First Nations families and communities
to enjoy similar levels of physical emotional and social wellbeing to that enjoyed by other
Australians; supporting families to give children a good start in life; supporting access to
affordable housing; and supporting remote strategic investments and remote housing
DSS also contributes to the IAS by supporting eligible First Nations peoples living in nonremote regions with a disability into work.
DSS is responsible for leading the Commonwealth’s implementation of three targets
under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, Target 9a (housing), Target 12 (outof-home care), Target 13 (family violence); and the cross-cutting outcome for disability.
DSS contributes a range of initiatives and actions toward achieving these targets as set
out in the Commonwealth Closing the Gap Implementation Plan (Implementation Plan)
| National Indigenous Australians Agency

Department of Social Services 2.1 Department of Social Services Services Australia Outcome 1 Services Australia

Outcome 1 contributes to the linked programs above by the provision of a range of
information, services and payments on behalf of the entities listed within Australia
and where applicable, overseas.

Contributing programs
Appropriation Appropriation subtype 2023-24 2022-23
Budget Estimate Estimated Actual
Special Accounts 3,903,000.00 3,903,000.00
Administered Non-operating 0.00 0.00
Administered Operating 1,053,138,000.00 1,019,220,000.00
Administered Special Appropriation 541,183,000.00 371,189,000.00
Administered Special Purpose Payments 0.00 0.00
Administered Assets and Liabilities 0.00 0.00
Administered Subtotal 1,594,321,000.00 1,390,409,000.00
Departmental External Revenue 10,112,000.00 16,585,000.00
Departmental Non-operating 0.00 0.00
Departmental Operating 258,884,000.00 219,624,000.00
Departmental Special Appropriation 0.00 0.00
Departmental Equity Injections 0.00 0.00
Departmental Subtotal 268,996,000.00 236,209,000.00
Total 1,867,220,000.00 1,630,521,000.00

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