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Social Security Act 1991

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
disabled adult

means a person aged 16 or more who:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 952 Carer allowance definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 197 Definitions
disabled child

means a person aged under 16 who:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 992MA Child disability assistance definitions
disadvantaged person

means a person who is intellectually, psychiatrically or physically handicapped.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 10A Definitions for carer allowance and seniors health card provisions
Disaster Recovery Allowance

means Disaster Recovery Allowance under Part 2.23B.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary

has the meaning given by section 1061ZZCM.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AB Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZZCM How to work out discount
disposal preclusion period

has the meaning given by section 93U or 93UA.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 92B Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 93U Disposal preclusion period—disposals before 1 July 2002
disposes of assets

has the meaning given by section 1123.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 1123 Disposal of assets
disposes of ordinary income

: see sections 1106 to 1111.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 8 Income test definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 1106 Disposal of ordinary income
disposes of real assets

has its ordinary meaning.

Social Security Act 1991
distance educator

has the meaning given by section 5D.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 5D Distance educators
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
domestic payment

: see subsection 8(3).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 8 Income test definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
double orphan

: see sections 993 and 994.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 6 Double orphan pension definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 993 Double orphan—not refugee
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary

has the meaning given by subsection (7).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 7 Australian residence definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 10A Definitions for carer allowance and seniors health card provisions
earlier date

has the meaning given by paragraph 1061ZZEQ(2)(b).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AB Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZZEQ Accumulated FS debt incurred by person
early school leaver

means a person who:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
earned, derived or received

: see subsection 8(2).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 8 Income test definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
eligibility period

for a person means an eligibility period under section 1061ZY and includes an eligibility period for the purposes of the Social Security Student Financial Supplement Scheme 1998.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AB Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZY Eligibility to obtain financial supplement
eligible care receiver

has the meaning given by section 992MC.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 992MA Child disability assistance definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 992MC Eligible care receivers
eligible urban area


Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 10A Definitions for carer allowance and seniors health card provisions
EMEP residence

has the meaning given by section 917A.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 917A Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary

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