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Social Security Act 1991

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

: without limiting who is a child of a person for the purposes of this Part, each of the following is the child of a person:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 5 Family relationships definitions—children
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 1207A Definitions
child disability allowance

means child disability allowance under Part 2.19 of this Act as in force at any time before 1 July 1999.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
child disability assistance

means child disability assistance under Part 2.19AA.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
clean energy advance

means an advance described in Subdivision A or C of Division 1 of Part 2.18A.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
clean energy advance daily rate

has the meaning given by section 914E.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 914E Clean energy advance daily rate
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
clean energy advance period


Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 914 Recipients of certain social security payments
Social Security Act 1991 - 914A Recipients of austudy, youth allowance, some disability support pensions and some special benefits
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
clean energy bonus

under an Act or scheme means any of the following that is provided for by the Act or scheme:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
clean energy payment


Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
clean energy qualifying payment

, for a person, means:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 914 Recipients of certain social security payments
Social Security Act 1991 - 914A Recipients of austudy, youth allowance, some disability support pensions and some special benefits
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
close family member

has the meaning given by subsection 1061PAA(4).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061PAA Qualification for Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment
combined care child

has the meaning given by subsection (4).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 4 Family relationships definitions—couples
Social Security Act 1991 - 197 Definitions
combined couple rate of minimum pension supplement

has the meaning given by subsection 20A(2).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 20A Pension supplement rate definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
combined couple rate of pension supplement

has the meaning given by subsection 20A(1).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 20A Pension supplement rate definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
commencement day

in relation to an income stream: see subsection 9(1).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 9 Financial assets and income streams definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary

means the Commissioner of Taxation.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AB Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 19AA Student start - up loan definitions
Commissioner of Taxation

includes a Second Commissioner of Taxation and a Deputy Commissioner of Taxation.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AB Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions
Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship

means any scholarship provided to assist with education costs under the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines made for the purposes of Part 2 ‐ 4 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 .

Social Security Act 1991
comparable foreign payment

means a payment ‐ type that is:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary

has the meaning given by subsection (2).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 17 Compensation recovery definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 2 Correspondence of provisions
compensation affected payment


Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 17 Compensation recovery definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZAAA Qualification for fares allowance

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