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Social Security Act 1991

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
compensation part

, in relation to a lump sum compensation payment, has the meaning given by subsections (3) and (4).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 3 Application of the Criminal Code
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 17 Compensation recovery definitions
compensation payer


Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 17 Compensation recovery definitions
compensation preclusion period

has the meaning given by section 93V.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 92B Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 93V Compensation preclusion period
compliance penalty period

, in relation to a person, means:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 576A Allowance not payable because of austudy participation failure
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
compulsory repayment amount

means an amount that:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AB Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZZEZ Compulsory payments in respect of accumulated FS debt
compulsory SSL repayment amount

means an amount that:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AA Student start - up loan definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZVHA Liability to repay amounts

means a device that is used by the Department for storing or processing information.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
concession card

: see subsection 6A(1).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 6A Concession card definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
concessional primary production trust

has the meaning given by section 1208U.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 1207A Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1208U Concessional primary production trusts
constituent document

, in relation to a company, means:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 1207A Definitions
contract period

of a financial supplement contract has the meaning given by subsection 1061ZZAX(7) or 1061ZZAY(3).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AB Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZZAX Making a contract between person and participating corporation

includes control as a result of, or by means of, trusts, agreements, arrangements, understandings and practices, whether or not having legal or equitable force and whether or not based on legal or equitable rights.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 1207A Definitions
controlled private company

has the meaning given by section 1207Q.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 1207A Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1207Q Controlled private companies
controlled private trust

has the meaning given by section 1207V.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 1207A Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1207V Controlled private trusts
cooling off period

means a period referred to in section 1061ZZBD.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AB Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZZBD When to cancel financial supplement contract
couple’s assets deeming provisions


Social Security Act 1991
current employee


Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 10A Definitions for carer allowance and seniors health card provisions
current employer

means a person who pays or is liable to pay any salary or wages to an employee, and includes:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 10A Definitions for carer allowance and seniors health card provisions
current figure

, as at a particular time and in relation to an amount that is to be indexed or adjusted under Part 3.16, means:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 20 Indexation and rate adjustment definitions
current period as an Australian resident

, of a person in relation to parenting payment, youth allowance or jobseeker payment, is a period that satisfies both the following conditions:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary

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