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Norfolk Island Act 1979

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
section19A Ordinance

means an Ordinance made under section 19A after the interim transition time.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 19A Governor - General may make Ordinances

means the Sheriff, or the Deputy Sheriff, of the Territory.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation

means the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.

Norfolk Island Act 1979
Supreme Court

means the Supreme Court of Norfolk Island referred to in section 52.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 52 Constitution of Supreme Court

means Norfolk Island , that is to say, the Territory of Norfolk Island as described in Schedule 1.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation

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