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Norfolk Island Act 1979

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)


Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
court of New South Wales

includes a tribunal established under a law of New South Wales.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
court officer

, of a State or Territory that is an applied law jurisdiction, means a person holding, occupying or exercising the powers of:

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
court officer of New South Wales

means a person holding, or performing the functions or duties of, any of the following offices:

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Deputy Speaker

means the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.

Norfolk Island Act 1979
electoral roll

means the electoral roll referred to in section 5 of the Legislative Assembly Act 1979 ( Norfolk Island ).

Norfolk Island Act 1979


Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 19A Governor - General may make Ordinances

means enrolment on the electoral roll.

Norfolk Island Act 1979
Executive Council

means the Executive Council of Norfolk Island.

Norfolk Island Act 1979
Executive Director

means the Executive Director of Norfolk Island.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Federal Court

means the Federal Court of Australia.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
final transition time

means the commencement of Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015 .

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
financial management and accountability provisions


Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
host jurisdiction


Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 60B Commonwealth may enter into arrangements with host jurisdictions
interim transition time

means the commencement of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015 .

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation

means a Judge of the Supreme Court (including the Chief Justice).

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
law of an applied law jurisdiction

: see subsection 18A(6).

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Legislative Assembly

means the Legislative Assembly of Norfolk Island.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Legislative Assembly law

means a law (however described or entitled) passed by the Legislative Assembly, and assented to under this Act, before the interim transition time.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation

of the Territory means a person appointed as a magistrate under a law in force in the Territory.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation

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