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Norfolk Island Act 1979

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
member of the Advisory Council

includes the Chair of the Advisory Council.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation


Norfolk Island Act 1979
Minister for Finance

means the Minister who is responsible for the administration of the Public Account of Norfolk Island.

Norfolk Island Act 1979
money of a Territory authority


Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Norfolk Island

: see the definition of Territory .

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Norfolk Island Public Service Values

means the rules prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of subsection 61A(1).

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Norfolk Island Regional Council

means a body that is:

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 19A Governor - General may make Ordinances
Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
performance audit

has the same meaning as in the Auditor ‐ General Act 1997 .

Norfolk Island Act 1979

includes a function or duty, and, in that context, exercise means perform.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
prescribed State or Territory

means a State or Territory prescribed for the purposes of subsection 60AA(1).

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 60AA Conferral of jurisdiction on prescribed State or Territory courts
previous Act

means the Norfolk Island Act 1957 .

Norfolk Island Act 1979

includes a lock ‐ up or other place of lawful detention.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation

of a Territory authority means:

Norfolk Island Act 1979
Public Account of Norfolk Island

means the Public Account of Norfolk Island established by subsection 47(1).

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
public money of the Territory


Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
public property

of the Territory means:

Norfolk Island Act 1979

means the Registrar, or the Deputy Registrar, of the Supreme Court.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
responsible Commonwealth Minister

means the Commonwealth Minister who administers this Act.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
responsible manager

, in relation to a Territory authority, means an individual who is responsible for the finances of the Territory authority.

Norfolk Island Act 1979 Norfolk Island Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Returning Officer

means a person appointed under section 11 of the Legislative Assembly Act 1979 ( Norfolk Island ).

Norfolk Island Act 1979

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