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Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
ANSTO spent nuclear fuel

means spent nuclear fuel that has been irradiated in, and permanently removed from, a nuclear reactor operated by the Organisation.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987
application and use


(a) nuclear application and use; or

(b) non‐nuclear application and use.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

includes re‐.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation
appointed member

means a member of the Board other than the Executive Director.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

means the of Directors of the Organisation.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

means the Nuclear Safety established by section 37.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

means of the Board.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation
Chief Executive Officer

means the of the Organisation.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation
commencing day

means the day of commencement of this Act.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation
Commonwealth contractor


(a) a person who is a party to a contract with the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth entity; or

(b) a person who is a subcontractor for a contract with the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth entity.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation
Commonwealth entity


(a) a body corporate established for a public purpose by or under an Act; or

(b) a company in which a controlling interest is held by any one of the following persons, or any 2 or more of the following persons together:

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation
Deputy Chairperson

means of the Board.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

means the of the Bureau.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

means an referred to in subsection 24(1).

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 24 Staff of Organisation
Executive Director

means the of the Organisation.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987
Finance Minister

means the Minister who administers this Act.

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 - 8 The Dictionary
law enforcement agency


(a) the Australian Federal Police; or

(b) a police force of a State or Territory; or

(c) the Australian Customs Service; or

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation
member of the staff of the Organisation


(a) the Executive Director; or

(b) an officer or employee.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation
non‐staff member

means a member of the Board who is not a member of the staff of the Organisation.

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation

means an referred to in subsection 24(1).

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 3 Interpretation
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987 - 24 Staff of Organisation

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