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Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

Accountable authority
Board of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Lead Body
Institutional sector classification

Section 35 of the PGPA Act applies
Section 35(3) of the PGPA Act applies

Outcome #1: Improved knowledge, innovative capacity and healthcare through nuclear-based facilities, research, training, products, services and advice to Government, industry, the education sector and the Australian population.
# Program Body Contribution
1 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Program 1 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

Science and Technology Solutions Contributes to the outcome through the operation and strategic management of landmark and national research infrastructure. ANSTO provides nuclear products and services, and applies its unique expertise for nuclear research, specialised advice, and education and training

2 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Program 2 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About