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Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Outcome 4


Improve the health of rivers and freshwater ecosystems and water use efficiency through implementing water reforms, and ensuring enhanced sustainability, efficiency and productivity in the management and use of water resources.

# Program Body Contribution
4.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Sub-Program 4.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
4.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Program 4.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Much of our work under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan relates to supporting the recovery of water. This maintains river health and associated impacts such as biodiversity and water quality.

# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Bureau of Meteorology Program 1.1 Bureau of Meteorology

The Bureau of Meteorology's water information services inform Commonwealth water planning and decision making in relation to water resource availability.

1.9 Department of the Treasury Program 1.9 Department of the Treasury

The Department of the Treasury contributes to Outcome 4 by making payments through the Federation Funding Agreements framework on behalf of the department.

1.1 Murray-Darling Basin Authority Program 1.1 Murray-Darling Basin Authority

The department and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority work collaboratively to implement the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and the Intergovernmental Agreement on Murray-Darling Basin Reform.

Body Outcome Outcome owner Contribution
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Program 4.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Bureau of Meteorology Outcome 1 Bureau of Meteorology

The Bureau of Meteorology works collaboratively with the department to provide weather, climate and water modelling and information, including to support priority investment areas and research needs for nationally significant infrastructure. The Bureau is a partner in the Climate Systems Hub in the National Environmental Science Program. The Bureau provides meteorological and related services in support of the Australian Antarctic program under a Memorandum of Understanding. There are also joint science projects underway between the Bureau and the Australian Antarctic Division. The Bureau's water information services inform Commonwealth water planning and decision making in relation to water resource availability.

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Program 4.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Department of the Treasury Outcome 1 Department of the Treasury

Treasury Outcome 1 contributes to the above programs by making payments to the states and territories under National Partnership agreements, National Specific Purpose Payments (SPP) and bilateral agreements that support the delivery of the programs.

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Program 4.1 Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Murray-Darling Basin Authority Outcome 1 Murray-Darling Basin Authority

The MDBA works collaboratively with the department to implement the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and the Intergovernmental Agreement on Murray-Darling Basin Reform. MDBA and the department also work together on the operation of the River Murray System, shared natural resource management programs, research, information, advice and Basin Plan reporting obligations, all of which contribute to the management of Commonwealth environmental water.

Contributing programs
Appropriation Appropriation subtype 2022-23
Budget Estimate
Special Accounts 2,658,000.00
Administered Non-operating 0.00
Administered Operating 182,840,000.00
Administered Special Appropriation 0.00
Administered Special Purpose Payments 0.00
Administered Assets and Liabilities 2,253,213,000.00
Administered Subtotal 2,436,053,000.00
Departmental External Revenue 0.00
Departmental Non-operating 0.00
Departmental Operating 53,023,000.00
Departmental Special Appropriation 0.00
Departmental Equity Injections 46,824,000.00
Departmental Subtotal 99,847,000.00
Total 2,538,558,000.00

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