Strengthen Australia's biosecurity system.
The Government will provide an additional $1.0 billion over 4 years from 2023-24 (and $268.1 million per year ongoing) to meet its election commitment to strengthen Australia's biosecurity system. Funding includes:
* $845.0 million over 4 years from 2023-24 (and $255.3 million per year ongoing) to maintain biosecurity policy, operational and technical functions on a sustainable basis, including regulation, surveillance, domestic preparedness and response, and international engagement and capability development
* $145.2 million over 3 years from 2023-24 to deliver modern digital systems in cargo pathways that are integrated with business systems, cut red tape and streamline regulation and service delivery for importers
* $40.6 million over 4 years from 2023-24 (and $12.0 million per year ongoing) to continue the Indigenous Ranger Biosecurity Program to reduce biosecurity risks in Northern Australia and provide social and economic benefits to First Nations, rural and remote communities. The cost of the measure will be partially offset through introducing:
* cost recovery arrangements for the clearance of low value imported cargo, which is expected to raise $81.3 million over 3 years from 2024-25
* a biosecurity protection levy on Australian producers of agricultural, forestry and fishery products from 1 July 2024, set at a rate equivalent to 10 per cent of the 2020-21 industry-led agricultural levies, which is estimated to increase receipts by $153.0 million over 3 years from 2024-25. The levy recognises the benefits that primary producers derive from Australia's biosecurity system, including detection, identification and response associated with invasive pests and diseases, maximising trade opportunities, and enhancing access to premium overseas markets. This measure builds on the 2022-23 October Budget measure titled Bolstering Australia's Biosecurity System - protecting Australia from escalating exotic animal disease risks.