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Social Services - grants and additional support

Financial year
Purpose statement

Provide additional financial wellbeing and capability supports for vulnerable individuals, families and communities in financial crisis. Undertake a review of the Financial Wellbeing and Capability sub-program. An Early Learning Childcare Facilities Improvement Grant opportunity as part of its election commitment to provide funding to identified early learning centres and other community organisations to improve facilities.

Budget Measure type

The Government will reprioritise unspent funding of $34.3 million over two years from sub-program. Funding includes: * $32.8 million over two years from 2022-23 to provide additional financial wellbeing and capability supports for vulnerable individuals, families and communities in financial crisis * $1.5 million in 2023-24 to undertake a review of the Financial Wellbeing and Capability sub-program. The Government will also reprioritise unspent funding of $0.4 million in 2023-24 for an Early Learning Childcare Facilities Improvement Grant opportunity as part of its election commitment to provide funding to identified early learning centres and other community organisations to improve facilities.


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