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Enduring Funding Mechanism for AusCheck

Financial year
Purpose statement

Establish enduring funding arrangements for AusCheck, providing funding stability for background checking and card issuing services, recovered through charging regulated sectors.

Budget Measure type

The Government will provide $164.8 million over 4 years from 2023-24 to establish enduring funding arrangements for AusCheck, providing funding stability for background checking and card issuing services, recovered through charging regulated sectors. AusCheck's services will also be extended to the migration service industry through a strengthened 'fit and proper person' assessment for Registered Migration Agents, subject to the passage of legislation. The Government will also finalise arrangements for the transition to a single Government issuing body for aviation and maritime security identification cards from 2025. Under this measure, the Government will introduce charges for background checks and card issuance for major events and biological hazard checks. Combined with updated existing charges, this measure is estimated to increase receipts by $164.9 million over 4 years from 2023-24. Home Affairs |


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