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Cyber Security - additional funding

Financial year
Purpose statement

Support and uplift cyber security in Australia.

Budget Measure type

The Government will provide $101.6 million over 5 years from 2022-23 (and $11.8 million per year ongoing) to support and uplift cyber security in Australia. Funding includes: * $46.5 million over 4 years from 2023-24 (and $11.8 million per year ongoing) to establish the Coordinator for Cyber Security to ensure that the Commonwealth's cyber security efforts are strategic, coordinated, timely and effective. The Coordinator will be supported by the National Office of Cyber Security and dedicated resources from within the Department of Home Affairs and other Commonwealth entities, with capacity to surge further in the event of a cyber incident * $23.4 million over 3 years from 2023-24 to the Department of the Treasury for a small business cyber wardens program delivered by the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia, to support small businesses to build in-house capability to protect against cyber threats * $19.5 million in 2023-24 to continue work to improve the security of critical infrastructure assets and assist owners and operators to respond to significant cyber-attacks * $12.2 million in 2023-24 to sustain cyber resilience of Commonwealth entities currently serviced by the Cyber Hubs pilot program and to continue assessment and certification of service providers used by the Commonwealth entities to host data. The cost of this measure will be partially met from within the existing resources of the Department of Home Affairs and by redirecting funding provided to the Australian Taxation Office for Cyber Hub pilot activities. Home Affairs |


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