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Wool International Privatisation Act 1999

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

means the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999
authorised trustee corporation

means each of the bodies corporate listed in Schedule 9 to the

Corporations Regulations

in force from time to time.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999
commencing time

means the beginning of the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999
conversion time

means the beginning of 1 July 1999.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999

includes any distribution made in respect of shares.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999
finalisation time

means the end of one month after the final distribution under Part 4B of the Wool International Act.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999
income year

has the same meaning as in the 1997 Tax Act.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999


(a) an Act or any instrument under an Act; or

(b) any other document.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999

includes a partnership.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999

means the of equity holders referred to in section 22B of the Wool International Act.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999
Tax Act


means the

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997


Wool International Privatisation Act 1999
tax loss

has the same meaning as in the 1997 Tax Act.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999

means the company nominated by the Minister under section 9.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999

means a of equity in Wool International, allocated under the Wool International Act.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999
Wool International Act

means the



Wool International Privatisation Act 1999
WoolStock Australia Limited

means Wool International, after it is registered under the Corporations Law as mentioned in section 14.

(2) If an expression used in this Part is defined in the Wool International Act, then the expression has the meaning given by that Act.

Wool International Privatisation Act 1999

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