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Telecommunications Act 1997

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
international agreement


Telecommunications Act 1997
internet carriage service

means a carriage service that enables end ‐ users to access the internet.

Telecommunications Act 1997
internet service provider

has the meaning given by clause 8.

Broadcasting Services Act 1992
joint functional separation undertaking

means an undertaking under section 151C.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 151C Joint functional separation undertaking
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 142A Definitions

includes submerged land (but does not include submerged land that is beneath Australian waters within the meaning of Schedule 3A).

Telecommunications Act 1997
Layer 2 bitstream service

means a carriage service that is:

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 2 Decisions to which section 556 does not apply

means levy imposed by the Telecommunications (Universal Service Levy) Act 1997 .

Telecommunications Act 1997

means a wire, cable, optical fibre, tube, conduit, waveguide or other physical medium used, or for use, as a continuous artificial guide for or in connection with carrying communications by means of guided electromagnetic energy.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
line link

has the meaning given by section 30.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 30 ACMA to develop a variation or revocation proposal
listed act or thing

has the meaning given by section 317E.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 317B Definitions
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 317E Listed acts or things
listed carriage service

has the meaning given by section 16.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 16 Conditions to which a facility installation permit is subject
listed international agreement

means an international agreement specified in the regulations.

Telecommunications Act 1997
local access line

has the meaning given by section 158.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 158 Local access line
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 142A Definitions
local access line service

means an eligible service supplied using a local access line.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 142A Definitions
marketing fax

has the meaning given by section 5B.

Do Not Call Register Act 2006 Do Not Call Register Act 2006 - 4 Amount of penalty
Do Not Call Register Act 2006 - 5B Marketing faxes

means material:

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 317B Definitions

means a member of the ACMA (and does not include an associate member).

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
member of the staff of the Independent Commission Against Corruption

of South Australia means a person who is engaged under subsection 12(1) of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA).

Telecommunications Act 1997
multi‐unit building


Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 142A Definitions
national broadband network

means a national telecommunications network for the high ‐ speed carriage of communications, where an NBN corporation has been, is, or is to be, involved in the creation or development of the network.

National Broadband Network Companies Act 2011 National Broadband Network Companies Act 2011 - 5 Definitions

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About