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Telecommunications Act 1997

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)


Telecommunications Act 1997
exempt network‐user


Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone


Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
facility installation permit

means a permit issued under clause 25.

Telecommunications Act 1997
fax marketing industry

means an industry that involves carrying on a fax marketing activity (as defined by section 109C).

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 109C Fax marketing activity
Federal Circuit Court

means the Federal Circuit Court of Australia.

Telecommunications Act 1997
Federal Court

means the Federal Court of Australia.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
fibre‐ready facility

has the meaning given by subsection 372W(1) .

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 372W Fibre - ready facility
final functional separation undertaking

means a final functional separation undertaking under Division 2 of Part 9 of Schedule 1.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
final migration plan

means a final migration plan under Subdivision B of Division 2 of Part 33.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
Finance Minister

means the Minister who administers this Act.

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 - 8 The Dictionary
fixed radiocommunications link

has the meaning given by section 35.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 35 Deadline for final decision about varying or revoking a protection zone
fixed‐line carriage service

means a carriage service that is supplied using a line to premises occupied or used by an end ‐ user.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 142A Definitions
fixed‐line facility

has the meaning given by section 372V.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 372V Fixed - line facilities

includes organisational.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 142A Definitions
functional fibre‐ready facility

has the meaning given by subsection 372W(2).

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 372W Fibre - ready facility
functional separation principles

means the principles set out in clause 74.

Telecommunications Act 1997
functional separation requirements determination

means a determination under clause 75.

Telecommunications Act 1997
functional separation undertaking


Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 142A Definitions
fundamental provision

of a functional separation undertaking has the meaning given by subsection 151A(9) or 151C(9).

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 151A Standard functional separation undertaking
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 142A Definitions

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