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Screen Australia Act 2008

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
Australian program

means a program:

(a) that, in the opinion of Screen Australia, has, or will have, a significant Australian content; or

Screen Australia Act 2008 Screen Australia Act 2008 - 3 Definitions

means the of Screen Australia.

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means the Chief Executive Officer of Screen Australia.

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means the of the Board.

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Deputy Chair

means the of the Board.

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means a of the Board and includes the Chair and Deputy Chair.

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means any of the following:

(a) a screen production;

(b) an aggregate of sounds embodied in any material;

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screen production

means an aggregate of images, or of images and sounds, embodied in any material that can be viewed on a screen (including, for example, a film).

Screen Australia Act 2008 Screen Australia Act 2008 - 3 Definitions

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