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Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
comprehensive, adequate and representative reserve system

, in relation to an RFA, has the same meaning as in the RFA.

Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 - 4 Definitions
Forest and Wood Products Action Agenda

means the Action Agenda for the Forest and Wood Products Industry that was announced by the Minister for Forestry and Conservation on 1 November 2000.

Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002
forest and wood products industry


(a) the forest products industry; and

(b) the wood products industry.

Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 - 4 Definitions
National Forest Policy Statement

means the signed on behalf of the Commonwealth and each of the States (other than Tasmania) in December 1992, and on behalf of Tasmania in April 1995.

Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 - 4 Definitions

means an intensively managed stand of trees of either native or exotic species that is created by the regular placement of seedlings or seed.

Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 - 4 Definitions


Regional Forest Agreement

means an agreement that is in force between the Commonwealth and a State in respect of a region or regions, being an agreement that satisfies all the following conditions:

Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 - 4 Definitions
RFA forestry operations


Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 - 4 Definitions
Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 - 1 Short title

includes the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory.

Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 - 4 Definitions

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