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National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

means fruit of any species of the genus



National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 - 1 Definitions
aquatic animal


(a) live, fresh or processed fish; and

(b) crustaceans and molluscs; and

(c) aquatic reptiles; and

(d) all other forms of amphibious or aquatic animal life;

National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 - 1 Definitions
aquatic animal product

means a product of which the major component is aquatic animals.

National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 - 1 Definitions
eligible horticultural products

means horticultural products specified in regulations made for the purposes of this definition.

National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 - 1 Definitions
horticultural products


(a) fruits; and

(b) vegetables; and

(c) nuts; and

(d) nursery products; and

(e) cut flowers and foliage; and

Primary Industries (Customs) Charges Act 1999
leviable horticultural products


(a) onions; or

(b) apples; or

(c) pears; or

(d) eligible horticultural products.

National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 - 1 Definitions

means a bulb of the species

Allium cepa


National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 - 1 Definitions

means fruit of any species of the genus


, except fruit of the species

Pyrus pyrifolia


National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998 - 1 Definitions

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