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National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

means the National Residue Survey continued in existence by section 6.

National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 - 4 Interpretation
National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 - 6 National Residue Survey Account
applicable products


(a) food products; or

(b) products of a primary industry; or

(c) any other products that are of a kind used as inputs to the production of products referred to in paragraph (a) or (b);

National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 - 4 Interpretation
National Residue Survey


means levy of that name payable under:

(a) the

National Residue Survey (Customs) Levy Act 1998

; or

(b) the

National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992

, in relation to a product, means the performance of any operation in relation to the product, and includes, but is not limited to, the harvesting, chilling, freezing, drying, bottling, packing, canning or preserving of the product.

National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 - 4 Interpretation
products of a primary industry

means products that result from any of the following:

(a) agriculture or the cultivation of land;

(b) the maintenance of animals for commercial purposes;

(c) fishing or aquaculture;

National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 - 4 Interpretation

means of the Department.

National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992 - 4 Interpretation

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