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National Museum of Australia Act 1980

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

includes re‐.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
Australian history


(a) the natural history of Australia; and

(b) the history of the interaction of man with the Australian natural environment.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
Australian natural environment

includes all aspects of the surroundings of man in Australia, whether affecting him as an individual or in his social groupings.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

means the

of the Council.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

means the of the National Museum of Australia.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
Deputy Chair

means the Deputy


of the Council.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
deputy part‐time member

means a person appointed under section 15 to be the deputy of a part‐time member.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 15 Acting members
National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

means the of the National Museum of Australia.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
historical material

means material (whether in written form or in any other form) relating to Australian history.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

means a of the Council.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

means the National of Australia established by this Act.

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
national historical collection


(a) all historical material that was in the ownership of the Museum at the time when the

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 2) 1985

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
part‐time member

means a member appointed to be a .

(2) For the purposes of the definitions of

Australian history


Australian natural environment

in subsection (1),

National Museum of Australia Act 1980 National Museum of Australia Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

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