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National Health Act 1953

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
Schedule equivalent

has the meaning given by section 84AJ.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 84AJ When pharmaceutical benefits are Schedule equivalent

means the Secretary of the Department.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 4 Interpretation
special number

, in relation to a particular person who is included within a class of persons identified by the Minister in a determination under subsection 86E(1)—the particular combination of numbers, or letters and numbers, allocated in accordance with a procedure set out in that determination, that is ap

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 86E Minister may determine certain persons to be special evidentiary categories
special patient contribution

has the meaning given by subsection 85B(5) .

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 85B Price determinations and special patient contributions

includes a de facto partner .

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 4 Interpretation
start day

, for a brand of a pharmaceutical item, means the day that the brand was first required to comply with the price disclosure requirements under section 99ADD.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 99ADB Definitions etc.
National Health Act 1953 - 99ADD When the price disclosure requirements apply

means an internal Territory.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 4 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
therapeutic group

means a therapeutic group determined by the Minister under section 84AG.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 84AG Therapeutic groups

means the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 105AA Interpretation
unable to supply

has the meaning given by section 99AEF.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 99AEA Definitions
National Health Act 1953 - 99AEF Meaning of unable to supply
unadjusted price reduction

for a brand of a pharmaceutical item is the difference between:

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 99ADB Definitions etc.

means a vaccine for the purpose of immunising persons.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 4 Interpretation
value for safety net purposes


National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
Veterans’ Affairs Department

means the Department administered by the Veterans’ Affairs Minister.

National Health Act 1953
Veterans’ Affairs Minister

means the Minister administering the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 .

National Health Act 1953
weighted average disclosed price

of a brand of a pharmaceutical item is the weighted average disclosed price of the brand of the pharmaceutical item determined by the Minister under subsection ( 4).

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 4 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 99ADB Definitions etc.

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