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National Health Act 1953

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme

means the scheme for the supply of pharmaceutical benefits established under this Part.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 99ZH Definitions
pharmaceutical item

has the meaning given by section 84AB.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 84AB Pharmaceutical items
pharmaceutical item has a drug

: see subsection 84ABA(1).

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 84ABA References to pharmaceutical items, combination items or pharmaceutical benefits having a drug

means a person registered as a pharmacist or pharmaceutical chemist under a law of a State or Territory providing for the registration of pharmacists or pharmaceutical chemists, and includes a friendly society or other body of persons (whether corporate or unincorporate) carrying on business as a

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 4 Interpretation

includes a part of premises.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 4 Interpretation
prescriber bag provisions

means the following:

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 93 Prescriber bag supplies—medical practitioners
National Health Act 1953 - 93AB Prescriber bag supplies—authorised nurse practitioners
prescription drug

means a substance for the supply of which the prescription of a medical or dental practitioner is required:

National Health Act 1953
price agreement

means an agreement under section 85AD.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 85AD Price agreements
price determination

means a determination under subsection 85B(2).

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 85B Price determinations and special patient contributions
price disclosure requirements

has the meaning given by section 99ADC.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 99ADB Definitions etc.
National Health Act 1953 - 99ADC The price disclosure requirements
pricing quantity

of a listed brand of a pharmaceutical item: see subsection 84AK(1).

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 84AK Quantities of pharmaceutical items
proportional ex‐manufacturer price

of a listed brand of a pharmaceutical item: see section 85D.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 85D Proportional ex - manufacturer price
public hospital authority

means the governing body of a public hospital.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 4 Interpretation
record form

means a pharmaceutical benefits prescription record form, or an out ‐ patient medication prescription record form, issued under section 84D.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 84D Pharmaceutical benefits prescription record forms etc.
refund agreement

means an agreement or arrangement under which a payment may be made by or at the direction of a person to another person in the event of the other person being charged an amount in respect of the supply of a pharmaceutical benefit.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
related brand

, of a brand of a pharmaceutical item, means a brand of a pharmaceutical item that has the same drug and manner of administration as the first ‐ mentioned pharmaceutical item (including another brand of the same pharmaceutical item), but does not include a brand of an exempt item.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 99ADB Definitions etc.
relevant day

means the day after the end of the period in respect of which the weighted average disclosed price of the brand of the pharmaceutical item is determined.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 99ADB Definitions etc.
relevant entitlement period


National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
relevant price

: see subsection 99ACF(5).

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 99ACF Statutory price reductions
responsible person

for a brand of a pharmaceutical item means the person determined by the Minister under section 84AF to be the responsible person for the brand of the pharmaceutical item.

National Health Act 1953 National Health Act 1953 - 84 Interpretation
National Health Act 1953 - 84AF Responsible person for a brand of a pharmaceutical item

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