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Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

means the of Taxation.

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

includes all bodies or associations corporate or unincorporate, but does not include partnerships.

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
Deputy Commissioner

means a of Taxation.

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
fringe benefits tax


(a) fringe benefits tax imposed by the

Fringe Benefits Tax Act 1986

, as assessed under the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act;

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

has the meaning given by section 195‐1 of the Act.

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
GST law

has the meaning given by section 195‐1 of the GST Act.

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
luxury car tax


has the meaning given by section 27‐1 of the Luxury Car Tax Act.

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation


(a) MRRT within the meaning of the

Minerals Resource Rent Tax Act 2012

; and

(b) shortfall interest charge (within the meaning of subsection 995‐1(1) of the

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980
MRRT law

has the meaning given by section 300‐1 of the

Minerals Resource Rent Tax Act 2012


Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980
Second Commissioner

means a of Taxation.

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

includes achieve the result.

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

, in addition to every person (including a company) appointed or constituted by act of parties, by order or declaration of a court or by operation of law, includes:

(a) an executor or administrator, guardian, committee, receiver or liquidator; and

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation
Wine Equalisation Tax


means the

A New Tax System () Act 1999


Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980
wine tax


has the meaning given by section 33‐1 of the Wine Equalisation Tax Act.

(2) In this Act:

Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 Crimes (Taxation Offences) Act 1980 - 3 Interpretation

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