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Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

or corruption means a contravention of section 326.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 326 Bribery
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 352 Interpretation

includes televise.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 287 Interpretation
bulk nomination

has the meaning given by subsection 167(3).

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 167 Nominations
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 4 Interpretation

means an election of a member of the House of Representatives that is not part of a general election.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 303 Interpretation
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 321B Definitions
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 202AA Definitions

has a meaning affected by subsection ( 9).

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 287 Interpretation
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 9 Leave of absence
capital city office

of the Electoral Commission has the meaning given by subsection 90A(3).

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 90A Inspection etc. of Rolls
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 4 Interpretation
carriage service provider

has the meaning given by section 87.

Telecommunications Act 1997 Telecommunications Act 1997 - 7 Decision not to declare a requested protection zone or to declare a different protection zone
Telecommunications Act 1997 - 87 Compensation
certified list of voters

, in respect of a Division, means a list prepared and certified under subsection 208(1).

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 208 Certified lists of voters
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 4 Interpretation

means the Chairperson of the Commission.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 5 Interpretation
challenged elector

means the person to whose enrolment an objection relates.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 113 Interpretation
challenged enrolment

means the enrolment to which an objection relates.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 113 Interpretation

: Subdivision D of Division 1 of Part VII affects the situations in which a child is a child of a person or is a child of a marriage or other relationship.

Family Law Act 1975 Family Law Act 1975 - 4 Interpretation
civil penalty order

has the meaning given by subsection 82(4) of the Regulatory Powers Act.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 82 Subdivision Rolls, Division Rolls and State and Territory Rolls
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 4 Interpretation
civil penalty provision

has the meaning given by the Regulatory Powers Act.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 4 Interpretation

means the Commission established by section 6.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 5 Interpretation
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 6 Establishment of Commission

means a member of the Commission, and includes the Chairperson .

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 5 Interpretation

: a carriage service provider does not communicate electoral matter merely because the carriage service provider supplies the listed carriage service used to communicate the matter.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 321B Definitions


Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 206 Separate voting compartments
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 200DD Where is pre - poll ordinary voting available?
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 4 Interpretation

means an act or an omission to perform an act.

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 321B Definitions
Controller‐General of Prisons


Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 - 4 Interpretation

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