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Commonwealth Authorities (Northern Territory Pay-roll Tax) Act 1979

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
Commonwealth authority

means an authority or body constituted or established by an Act.

Commonwealth Authorities (Northern Territory Pay-roll Tax) Act 1979
Commonwealth authority subject to pay‐roll tax

means a Commonwealth authority:

(a) that was registered as an employer under the former

Pay‐roll Tax (Territories) Assessment Act 1971

Commonwealth Authorities (Northern Territory Pay-roll Tax) Act 1979
pay‐roll tax law

, in relation to the Commonwealth, a State or the Northern Territory, means a law of the Commonwealth, of the State or of the Northern Territory, as the case may be, that relates to the imposition, assessment and collection of a tax upon wages.

Commonwealth Authorities (Northern Territory Pay-roll Tax) Act 1979

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