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Census and Statistics Act 1905

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

has the meaning given by section 19A.

Census and Statistics Act 1905 Census and Statistics Act 1905 - 19A Non‐disclosure of Census information
Census and Statistics Act 1905 - 3 Interpretation

means the National of Australia mentioned in subsection 5(1).

Archives Act 1983 Archives Act 1983 - 3 Interpretation
Archives Act 1983 - 5 Establishment and functions of National Archives of Australia
authorized officer

means an officer who, by virtue of an appointment under section 16, is an for the purposes of this Act.

Census and Statistics Act 1905 Census and Statistics Act 1905 - 3 Interpretation

means the Australian of Statistics established by subsection 5(1).

Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975 Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975 - 3 Interpretation
Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975 - 5 Establishment of Bureau and office of Statistician
Census day

has the meaning given by section 19A.

Census and Statistics Act 1905 Census and Statistics Act 1905 - 19A Non‐disclosure of Census information
Census and Statistics Act 1905 - 3 Interpretation

means a made under section 13.

Census and Statistics Act 1905 Census and Statistics Act 1905 - 3 Interpretation
Census and Statistics Act 1905 - 13 Release of information

means a prepared by the Statistician under subsection 10(1).

Census and Statistics Act 1905 Census and Statistics Act 1905 - 10 Forms to be filled up
Census and Statistics Act 1905 - 3 Interpretation

means the Australian referred to in subsection 5(2).

(2) The Chairperson may be referred to as the Chairman or Chairwoman, as the case requires.

Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975 Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975 - 3 Interpretation
Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975 - 5 Establishment of Bureau and office of Statistician

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