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Building Industry Act 1985

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

means an made under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act, an order made by the Commission under that Act, an industrial agreement made pursuant to that Act or a memorandum certified in accordance with section 28 of that Act.

Building Industry Act 1985 Building Industry Act 1985 - 3 Interpretation

, in relation to an organization, includes any part of the organization established under the rules of the organization.

Building Industry Act 1985 Building Industry Act 1985 - 3 Interpretation

means the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration .

Building Industry Act 1985 Building Industry Act 1985 - 3 Interpretation
Conciliation and Arbitration Act

means the



Building Industry Act 1985 Building Industry Act 1985 - 3 Interpretation


(a) subject to the following paragraphs, means the organization registered under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act by the name ‘

The Australian Building Construction Employees’ and Builders Labourers’ Federation

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Full Bench

means a of the Commission constituted in accordance with section 17 of the Conciliation and Arbitration Act.

Building Industry Act 1985 Building Industry Act 1985 - 3 Interpretation
industrial action


Building Industry Act 1985 Building Industry Act 1985 - 3 Interpretation

means an registered under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act.

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means the Industrial or a Deputy Industrial appointed under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act.

Building Industry Act 1985 Building Industry Act 1985 - 3 Interpretation

includes any promise, commitment, pledge or other assurance and also includes a statement of intention or policy.

Building Industry Act 1985 Building Industry Act 1985 - 3 Interpretation

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