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Aged Care Act 1997

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

: Subdivision D of Division 1 of Part VII affects the situations in which a is a of a person or is a of a marriage or other relationship.

Family Law Act 1975 Family Law Act 1975 - 4 Interpretation
Family Law Act 1975 - 4 Interpretation
close relation

, in relation to a person, means:

(a) a parent of the person; or

(b) a sister, brother, child or grandchild of the person; or

(c) a person included in a class of persons specified in the Subsidy Principles.

Aged Care Act 1997 Aged Care Act 1997 - 44-26B Definitions relating to the value of a person’s assets
dependent child

has the meaning given by subsection (2).

Aged Care Act 1997 Aged Care Act 1997 - 44-26B Definitions relating to the value of a person’s assets

has the meaning given by the Subsidy Principles.

Aged Care Act 1997 Aged Care Act 1997 - 44-26B Definitions relating to the value of a person’s assets
maximum home value

means the amount determined by the Minister by legislative instrument.

Aged Care Act 1997 Aged Care Act 1997 - 44-26B Definitions relating to the value of a person’s assets

: without limiting who is a of a person for the purposes of this section and section 4426A, someone is the

of a person if the person is his or her child because of the definition of


in this section.

Aged Care Act 1997 Aged Care Act 1997 - 44-26B Definitions relating to the value of a person’s assets

: see subsection 4(1).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 4 Family relationships definitions—couples
Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 4 Family relationships definitions—couples

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