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Inspector-General of Taxation Outcome 1


Improved tax administration through investigation of complaints, conducting reviews, public reporting and independent advice to Government and its relevant entities.

# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Inspector-General of Taxation Program 1.1 Inspector-General of Taxation

To improve tax administration through investigation of complaints, consulting with stakeholders to prioritise areas of tax administration for review as well as providing independent advice to the Government, the ATO and the TPB

Body Outcome Outcome owner Contribution
Inspector-General of Taxation Program 1.1 Inspector-General of Taxation Inspector-General of Taxation Outcome 1 Inspector-General of Taxation

- Inspector-General of Taxation To improve tax administration through an effective disputes investigation service, prioritising areas of tax administrative review in consultation with relevant stakeholders and the provision of independent advice to the Government, ATO and Tax Practitioners Board (TPB)

Contributing programs
Appropriation Appropriation subtype 2022-23
Budget Estimate
Special Accounts 0.00
Administered Non-operating 0.00
Administered Operating 0.00
Administered Special Appropriation 0.00
Administered Special Purpose Payments 0.00
Administered Assets and Liabilities 0.00
Administered Subtotal 0.00
Departmental External Revenue 0.00
Departmental Non-operating 0.00
Departmental Operating 6,516,000.00
Departmental Special Appropriation 0.00
Departmental Equity Injections 0.00
Departmental Subtotal 6,516,000.00
Total 6,516,000.00

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About