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Commonwealth Banks Act 1959

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

means articles of association.

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959

includes the external Territories.

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959

means a person carrying on the business of banking, and includes the Commonwealth Bank and the Development Bank.

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959

means the Board of Directors of the Commonwealth Bank.

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959
Commonwealth Bank

means the Commonwealth Bank of Australia .

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959
conversion time

means the commencement of section 22 of the Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 .

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959

means the Commonwealth Bank Officers Superannuation Corporation, including that body as continuing in existence with a different name.

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959
Development Bank

means the Commonwealth Development Bank of Australia , including that body as continuing in existence with a different name.

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959

means memorandum of association.

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959
preā€conversion time

means the commencement of section 21 of the Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 .

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959
Securities Commission


Commonwealth Banks Act 1959

, in relation to a body corporate, means a share in the share capital of the body corporate.

Commonwealth Banks Act 1959

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