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Charities Act 2013

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

includes protect ing, maintaining , support ing , research ing and improv ing .

Charities Act 2013

: an entity is charitable if the entity is a charity.

Charities Act 2013

means an entity:

Charities Act 2013
disqualifying purpose

has the meaning given by section 11 .

Charities Act 2013

has the meaning given by the Australian Charities and Not ‐ for ‐ p rofits Commission Act 2012 .

Charities Act 2013

has the meaning given by section 4 .

Charities Act 2013
human rights

has the meaning given by the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 .

Charities Act 2013

means an individual who is:

Charities Act 2013
public benefit

, in relation to a purpose, has the meaning given by section 6 .

Charities Act 2013
purpose of advancing culture

has a meaning affected by section 16 .

Charities Act 2013
purpose of advancing health

has a meaning affected by section 14 .

Charities Act 2013
purpose of advancing social or public welfare

has a meaning affected by section 15 .

Charities Act 2013
purpose of advancing the security or safety of Australia or the Australian public

has a meaning affected by section 17.

Charities Act 2013

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