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Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

does not include an enactment.

Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954
criminal laws

means any laws (whether written, unwritten, substantive or procedural) relating to offences, whether indictable or not, including laws about:

Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954

has the same meaning as in the Australian Capital Territory (Self ‐ Government) Act 1988 .

Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954

means an Ordinance made under this Act.

Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954
the Territory

means the Australian Antarctic Territory which was accepted by the Commonwealth by the Australian Antarctic Territory Acceptance Act 1933 , that is to say, that part of the territory in the Antarctic seas which comprises all the islands and territories, other than Adelie Land, situated south of t

Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954

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