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Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation Outcome 1


Retirement and insurance benefits for scheme members and beneficiaries, including past, present and future employees of the Australian Government and other eligible employers and members of the Australian Defence Force, through investment and administration of their superannuation funds and schemes.

# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation 1.1 Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)

- Superannuation Scheme Governance Build, support and protect better retirement outcomes for all our customers (being current and former Australian Government employees and members of the Australian Defence Force) and their families

Body Outcome Outcome owner Contribution
Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation 1.1 Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Department of Defence Outcome 2 Department of Defence

The Departments of Finance and Defence provide funding through third party access
arrangements to Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation for the purpose of providing
payments of retirement and death and invalidity benefits for scheme members and beneficiaries,
including past, present and future employees of the Australian Government and other eligible
employers and members of the ADF.

Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation 1.1 Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) Department of Finance Outcome 2 Department of Finance

Finance works with the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation to ensure that the
management of public sector superannuation is consistent with legislative obligations.
Finance works with the Future Fund Management Agency to ensure that the
management of the Future Fund and the Australian Government Investment Funds is
consistent with legislation and maximises returns to taxpayers.

Contributing programs
Appropriation Appropriation subtype 2023-24 2022-23
Budget Estimate Estimated Actual
Special Accounts 159,988,000.00 154,766,000.00
Administered Non-operating 0.00 0.00
Administered Operating 0.00 0.00
Administered Special Appropriation 0.00 0.00
Administered Special Purpose Payments 0.00 0.00
Administered Assets and Liabilities 0.00 0.00
Administered Subtotal 0.00 0.00
Departmental External Revenue 0.00 0.00
Departmental Non-operating 0.00 0.00
Departmental Operating 0.00 0.00
Departmental Special Appropriation 0.00 0.00
Departmental Equity Injections 0.00 0.00
Departmental Subtotal 0.00 0.00
Total 159,988,000.00 154,766,000.00

This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About