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Social Security Act 1991

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
1947 Act

means the Social Security Act 1947 .

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary

means the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
AAT first review

has the same meaning as in the Administration Act.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
AAT second review

has the same meaning as in the Administration Act.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child

means a child who is a descendant of:

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Aboriginal study assistance scheme


Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary

means the ABSTUDY scheme to the extent that it provides means ‐ test allowances.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
ABSTUDY Schooling scheme

means the ABSTUDY Schooling part of the ABSTUDY scheme.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
ABSTUDY Tertiary scheme

means the ABSTUDY Tertiary part of the ABSTUDY scheme.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
accelerator program course

has the same meaning as in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 .

Social Security Act 1991
accommodated independent person

has the meaning given by section 1067B.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 1067 Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1067B Accommodated independent person

, in relation to a financial institution, means an account maintained by a person with the institution to which is accredited money received on deposit by the institution from that person.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
accruing member of the pension bonus scheme

has the meaning given by section 92N.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 92B Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 92N Accruing membership
accumulated FS debt

has the meaning given by section 1061ZZEQ.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AB Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZZEQ Accumulated FS debt incurred by person
accumulated SSL debt

has the meaning given by section 1061ZVEC.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
Social Security Act 1991 - 19AA Student start - up loan definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZVEC Stage 2—working out an accumulated SSL debt
ACNC type of entity

means an entity that meets the description of a type of entity in column 1 of the table in subsection 25 ‐ 5(5) of the Australian Charities and Not ‐ for ‐ profits Commission Act 2012 .

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 23 Dictionary
actively involved with a primary production enterprise

has the meaning given by section 1207J.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 1207A Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1207J Active involvement with a primary production enterprise
actual transfer

, in relation to property or services, means a transfer of the property or services other than a transfer that is taken to have been made because of subsection 1207H(1), (3) or (4).

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 1207A Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1207H Constructive transfers of property or services to an entity
adjusted accumulated FS debt

has the meaning given by section 1061ZZES.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 19AB Student Financial Supplement Scheme definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1061ZZES Adjusted accumulated FS debt
adjusted net primary production income

(in Division 11) has the meaning given by section 1209.

Social Security Act 1991 Social Security Act 1991 - 1207A Definitions
Social Security Act 1991 - 1209 Adjusted net primary production income

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