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Schools Assistance Act 2008

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
1992 Act

means the States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Act 1992 .

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
1996 Act

means the States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Act 1996 .

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
2000 Act

means the States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Act 2000 .

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
2008 funding level

, for a school, for a particular level of education, means the funding level that was used to work out the funding for the school’s recurrent expenditure for the 2008 program year, for that level of education, under the former Act.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions

(short for Average Government School Recurrent Costs) has the meaning given by section 36.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 36 Average Government School Recurrent Costs—meaning of AGSRC

includes a nil amount.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
approved authority

has the meaning given by section 149.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 149 Approved authorities—definition
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
approved authority determination

means a determination (including a transitional approved authority determination) made under section 151.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 151 Approved authority determinations—power to determine
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
approved school

has the meaning given by section 103.

Schools Assistance Act 2008
approved school determination

means a determination (including a transitional approved school determination) made under subsection 110(1).

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 110 Approved school determinations—power to determine
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
approved school system

has the meaning given by section 127.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 127 Approved school systems—definitions
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 143 Revoking approved school system determinations—power to determine
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
approved school system determination

means a determination (including a transitional approved school system determination) made under subsection 129(1).

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 129 Approved school system determinations—power to determine
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
block grant authority

has the meaning given by section 83.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 83 Capital expenditure—definitions

means any organisation or body, whether incorporated or not, or an individual.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
capital expenditure

has a meaning affected by section 83.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 83 Capital expenditure—definitions
capital expenditure supplementation number

has the meaning given by section 85.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 85 Capital expenditure—capital expenditure supplementation number
current SES funding level

, for a school with a particular SES score, means the percentage of AGSRC specified in column 2 of the table in Schedule 1 for that SES score.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
disability assessment

, for a student, means an assessment, by a person with relevant qualifications, that:

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
Education Assistance Act

means this Act, the former Act, the 2000 Act, the 1996 Act or the 1992 Act.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
eligible humanitarian new arrival

has the meaning given by section 92.

Schools Assistance Act 2008 Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 4 Definitions
Schools Assistance Act 2008 - 92 Teaching English to new arrivals—definitions

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