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Intelligence Services Act 2001

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

means the Australian Federal Police.

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means ASIO, ASIS , AGO , DIO, ASD , ONI , AFP or the Immigration and Border Protection Department .

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agency head


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means that part of the Defence Department known as the Australian Geospatial ‐ Intelligence Organisation.

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means the Australian Signals Directorate.

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ASD contract

means a contract, to which ASD is a party, under which services are to be, or were to be, provided to ASD.

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means the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation.

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means the Australian Secret Intelligence Service.

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, when used in a geographical sense, includes the external Territories.

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Australian person

means a person who is:

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, of another country, has a meaning affected by subsection (2).

Intelligence Services Act 2001 Intelligence Services Act 2001 - 2 Guidelines for the purposes of this Schedule
Intelligence Services Act 2001 - 3 Application of certain State and Territory laws

means the Chair of the Committee.

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means the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security .

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contracted service provider

, for an ASD contract, means:

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includes a tribunal, authority or person that has power to require the production of documents or the answering of questions.

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means activities that involve committing a serious crime by, or facilitated by, the use of electromagnetic energy, whether guided or unguided or both.

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Defence Department

means the Department of State that deals with defence and that is administered by the Defence Minister.

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means that part of the Defence Department known as the Defence Intelligence Organisation.

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Director‐General of Security

means the Director ‐ General of Security holding office under the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 .

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emergency response function

includes, but is not limited to, a function in relation to:

Intelligence Services Act 2001 Intelligence Services Act 2001 - 3 Application of certain State and Territory laws

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