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Defence Act 1903

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

means the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Aboriginal person

means a person of the Aboriginal race of Australia.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 72T Definitions
accredited authority

means a laboratory or other body, or a person, specified in the Defence Instructions to be an accredited authority for the purposes of this Part.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 93 Definitions
accredited laboratory

means a laboratory or other body, or a person, specified in the Defence Instructions to be an accredited laboratory for the purposes of this Part.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 93 Definitions
accused person

means a person who has been charged with a service offence.

Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 - 3 Interpretation
acquisition of property

has the same meaning as in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 72T Definitions
administration of the Defence Force

: see subsection 10(2).

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Defence Act 1903 - 10 Administration of the Defence Force

means the Defence Force Advocate appointed under section 58S.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 58R Interpretation
Defence Act 1903 - 58S Defence Force Advocate
Air Force

means the Royal Australian Air Force.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Air Force Reserve

: see subsection 20(3).

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Defence Act 1903 - 20 Royal Australian Air Force

—Includes aeroplanes, seaplanes, balloons, kite balloons, airships and other machines for flying.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Aircraft Material

—Includes any engines, fittings, guns, gear, instruments, ammunition, bombs or apparatus for use in connexion with aircraft, and any components or accessories of aircraft, and petrol and any other substance used for providing motive power for aircraft, and lubricating oil.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation

—Means a member of the Air Force other than an officer.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands

means the lands within the meaning of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights Act 1981 (SA).

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 72T Definitions

means the Australian Army.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Army Reserve

: see subsection 19(3).

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Defence Act 1903 - 19 Australian Army

and Commonwealth includes the Territories.

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Australian Air Force Cadets

: see subsection 62(4).

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Defence Act 1903 - 62 Australian Defence Force Cadets
Australian Army

: see subsection 19(1).

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Defence Act 1903 - 19 Australian Army
Australian Army Cadets

: see subsection 62(3).

Defence Act 1903 Defence Act 1903 - 4 Interpretation
Defence Act 1903 - 62 Australian Defence Force Cadets

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