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Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
appropriate service chief


Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969
arm of the Defence Force

means the Navy, the Army or the Air Force.

Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 5 Interpretation

includes general election.

Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 5 Interpretation
enlisted member

means a member who is not an officer.

Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 5 Interpretation

means a member of the Defence Force.

Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 5 Interpretation

means a member who is an officer for the purposes of the Defence Act.

Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 5 Interpretation

includes classification.

Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 5 Interpretation


Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 5 Interpretation
the appropriate Reserve

, in relation to an officer, means the Reserve that is appropriate to him having regard to the arm of the Defence Force of which he is a member.

Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 5 Interpretation
the declared date

, in relation to an election, means the date on which a notice under section 6 is published in the Gazette in relation to the election.

Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 5 Interpretation
Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 6 Declared date
the Defence Force

means the Defence Force of Australia.

Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 Defence (Parliamentary Candidates) Act 1969 - 5 Interpretation

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