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Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
authorised person


Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 65 Interpretation
Commonwealth Bank

means the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 3 Interpretation
Development Bank

means the Commonwealth Development Bank of Australia.

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 3 Interpretation

includes a document and an oral agreement.

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 65 Interpretation

means all liabilities, duties and obligations, whether actual, contingent or prospective.

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 65 Interpretation

means any legal or equitable estate or interest (whether present or future and whether vested or contingent) in real or personal property of any description.

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 65 Interpretation

means all rights, powers, privileges and immunities, whether actual, contingent or prospective.

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 65 Interpretation
State Bank

means the State Bank of Victoria.

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 65 Interpretation
State Bank instrument

means an instrument (including a legislative instrument other than this Act) subsisting immediately before the succession day:

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 65 Interpretation
succession day

means the day on which this Part comes into operation.

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 65 Interpretation
transferred employee

means a person who, under section 72, is regarded as having been appointed by the Commonwealth Bank.

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990 - 65 Interpretation

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